How to support students in self-regulating their learning process

Back How to support students in self-regulating their learning process Throughout the internet, sites with tutorials and information are freely available. If students can monitor, direct and regulate content, then self-regulated learning is possible. But how can this be encouraged and trained? You can enable subtitles by pressing the CC icon on the […]
Three simple steps to stimulate critical thinking

Back Three simple steps to stimulate critical thinking In this video, three ways to promote critical thinking are presented. Critical thinking is relevant for everyone, and especially for students. You can enable subtitles by pressing the CC icon on the video The three steps to train critical thinking are: Working with open questions, where […]
How to stimulate academic depth in students

Back How to stimulate academic depth in students Transferring knowledge, getting students enthusiastic and triggered by your area of expertise… sounds good? Well, helping your students on their way to increase their academic depth is what is discussed in this video! You can enable subtitles by pressing the CC icon on the video Stimulating academic […]
How to use active teaching and learning methods

Back How to stimulate active teaching and learning Here, active learning methods are explained so that you can use them for your next class. The methods will encourage students to actively participate in class, helping them to achieve a deeper, long lasting learning experience. You can enable subtitles by pressing the CC icon on […]